So Much Modem Madness
So Much Modem Madness (Power User Software) (1993).ISO
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File List
1,554 lines
1TIME23.ZIP 6983 08-27-91 Run a program once for each user on a BBS.
1UTIL20.ZIP 63732 02-09-93 The $1 Utilities v2.1; Nine DOS utilities and
| 22 pages of documentation INTERNAL - add new
| commands to DOS, MOVE - move files, RENDIR -
| rename dirs RES - display tsr's, RDEL -
| recursive file delete, STAMP - change file
| date, VIEW - view ascii files, CAPS turn caps
| key on / off, NUM - turn off numlock key
2BARS.ZIP 77164 05-04-93 Graphic 3-D bar display shows how many and
| what type of files on your computer. *NICE
| LOOKING* summary of filespecs on your hard
| drive> shows extensions and total files above
| the bar graphs... VGA Support. Works with any
| graphic card
3DBEN.ZIP 65351 02-14-92 Public Domain 3D VGA Benchmark Utility
3DRVS150.ZIP 31789 02-10-93 3_Drives v1.50: Universal Device Driver that
| allows you to add a 2nd 16-bit Hard Disk
| Drive Interface to your DOS AT (286+) system.
| Add up to two more MFM, RLL, ESDI, IDE AT
| Interface drives for a total of THREE drives.
| Windows compatible. Fully functional.
486SLOW.ZIP 14049 07-27-92 Turn A 486's Cache On/Off, Games Run Better!
4D24H20B.ZIP 23170 05-02-93 4D24H20B.ZIP contains a new critical error
| handler designed to replace the one present
| in the otherwise excellent 4DOS command
| interpreter from JP Software. (The normal
| critical error handler is the piece of code
| printing the notorious message 'Abort, Retry,
| Ignore ...' when you have forgotten to close
| the drive door to the diskette drive - it
| also called an interrupt 24h handler).
4DOS402D.ZIP 233034 03-30-93 4DOS Version 4.02 Documentation Files
4DOS402P.ZIP 282285 03-30-93 4DOS Version 4.02 Program & Help Files
4ED100.ZIP 44420 08-10-93 4Ed v1.0; 4DOS File Description Editor is a
| editor for the users of 4DOS dos-shell
| enhancer. This allows you to edit, make,
| change file descriptions much more easily
| than using the 'DESCRIBE' command.
4FILES30.ZIP 102755 07-14-93 4FILES v3.0; Multi-Purpose file manager for
| 4DOS & NDOS. Does single & marked files. Also
| edits file descriptions. Point-&-shoot file
| loading into your favorite utilities via
| configurable utility ports. Fast disk navig-
| ation! For DOS, Windows, OS/2 & DV. Great
| interface. Substantial additions.
4HIST.ZIP 12636 09-08-93 4HIST; Free 4DOS utility: command history
| duplicate entry deleter v1.00 4HIST removes
| all superfluous lines from the current 4DOS
| command history list. W/ PASCAL source.
| Supercedes HISTU.BTM, and can be used for
| other purposes.
4LOGIC10.ZIP 34614 06-25-92 4LOGIC is a set of 4DOS .btm files featuring
| a complete Version Control System with pass-
| word protection. Also included in the 4LOGIC
| utilities are some file-management programs
| using 4DOS scroll-bar pick-lists.
60ENVPAT.ZIP 1740 05-10-93 Text file explaining how to patch COMMAND.COM
| (DOS 6.0 and others) to generate 512 bytes of
| ENVIRONMENT space. Another jewel from The
| Hermit!
ABBREVE.ZIP 81735 10-10-92 Expand Abbreviations To Char Strings To 1756
ACD210.ZIP 55430 08-01-92 Improves On Norton NCD Change Directory
ACSA.ZIP 192534 11-03-92 Russian Program Allows UNIX Type Security
ACT204.ZIP 175771 01-03-92 ActaeOn Hard Drive Manager, Full Featured
ADDTOIT2.ZIP 2964 01-01-93 FreeWare; Append additional directory names
| to the end of an existing PATH string, even
| if it is longer than 127 characters.
ADD_DES2.ZIP 14148 03-28-92 New ver of ADD-DESC. Now supports ARJ & LZH
| as well as ZIPs.
ALF10.ZIP 36933 09-26-93 ALF v1.0; Simple program which is intended to
| make your life a little bit simpler. It will
| take any file and alphabetize the contents.
ANYDRIVE.ZIP 12624 03-12-93 Use any hard disk with any BIOS. Have you
| ever tried to install a new Harddisk in your
| PC and found that the BIOS did not support
| it? I was faced with that situation lately. I
| got advice to buy a new BIOS or to buy a
| special controller. All of that costs $ and
| is a lot of hassle. The BIOS might not be
| compatible with your Motherboard etc. This
| the problem WITHOUT additional Hardware.
APATH11.ZIP 19354 07-24-93 Addpath v1.1 BETA: easily edits search path.
APDZ27.ZIP 69142 04-24-93 Apply-Diz v2.7 * Will scan for any file spec
| in any directory and check for a FILE_ID.DIZ
| or DESC.SDI file within an archive. If one
| exists it can be placed into the PCBoard DIR
| file. If no DIZ, and there's a PCBoard DIR
| file entry, that listing can be turned into a
| FILE_ID.DIZ and compressed into the archive.
| Great for boards with lots of file traffic!
| Added optional formating of the info-line. *
| SHAREWARE* Compiled 4/24/93
ASCIZE12.ZIP 14762 09-25-92 ASCIIZE 1.2; Convert binary files to and from
ASET10.ZIP 80283 05-06-93 ASET stands for Advanced SET command. It is
| an alternative to the internal DOS command
| SET which modifies shell variables. ASET
| contains over 100 built-in functions which
| cover the following categories: mathematical
| calculations, information about files and
| disks, retrieving information from
| CONFIG.SYS, string handling, user and file
| interaction, time/date handling, and others.
| ASET comes with documentation, a quick
ASIST11A.ZIP 274266 10-25-92 OS/ASSIST v1.10 DOS Utilities - Disk 1 of 2 A
| super collection of DOS utilities. Here, in a
| single collection, are all the commands that
| should have been included with DOS, but
| weren't. Included in this package are:
| SYSINFO, TEE, and WHERE. * Special feature *
| Can be tailored towards either the novice or
| expert user. Extensive on-line help. $14.95
ASIST11B.ZIP 80690 10-25-92 OS/ASSIST v1.10 DOS Utilities - Disk 2 of 2 A
| super collection of DOS utilities. $14.95
ATBAT101.ZIP 51525 04-04-93 ATBAT v1.01 <ASP> - A utility for AuTo-
| matically creating and executing BATch files
| which consist of a list of files, each
| associated with the same DOS command or other
| text. The files may be optionally selected by
| size, age, attributes, or matching text.
| ATBAT can also be used for automatically
| creating "make" files used by programmers.
| Version 1.01 fixes some minor errors in 1.00.
| Source code available. Registration $15.
AUTO103.ZIP 7754 04-10-93 Custom Autoexec: Create Operating Env At Boot
AXSMYCFG.ZIP 5867 05-01-93 Batch Reconfigure System, Uses DOS6 Choice
A_CHECK.ZIP 1481 07-07-92 File To Check If Drive A: Ready For Access
BACKITUP.ZIP 42234 01-18-93 Management System For Hard Disk Backups! Supe
BANG1.ZIP 50880 03-07-92 Improves DOS CHKDSK, DIR & TREE Commands
BATLITE.ZIP 21773 03-15-92 Compile BATCH Files Into Self-Running COM File
BATMGR12.ZIP 112306 04-23-92 Batch File Manager & Menu System
BBSCAN20.ZIP 17265 09-30-93 BBSCAN v2.0; Excellent offline filelist
| search utility for searching through BBS or
| CDROM filelists for a keyword or search
| string. The results of the search can be
| saved to a file for later use. BBSCAN
| features on-screen viewing of results and
| highlighting of keywords and now has the
| ability to do Logical AND, OR and NOT
| searches!
BEHED12.ZIP 9406 02-26-93 BEHEAD v1.2; Utility to remove 128-byte
| Macintosh binary header on a file. Useful
| when PC utilities to unstuff Mac file can't
| handle the header: behead it first.
BEN310.ZIP 257069 04-19-93 Batch ENhancer v3.10 Add colors, sounds,
| boxes, menus, directory controls and other
| SPECTACULAR features into batch files. Now
| with new Menu Designer! VG!
BIGSRT42.ZIP 38179 06-10-93 BIGSORT v4.2: Uses the fastest known sorting
| algorithm to sort files that can be as large
| as your swapping area (not RAM) allows. A
| wide range of options along with multiple key
| fields enable you to pinpoint the desired
| sorting method.
BILZUTLZ.ZIP 22754 08-13-92 UNIX Type Utilities For DOS Users
BIOSIMG.ZIP 8258 01-15-93 Copy Bios's Contents To A Text File
BLRMU13.ZIP 74260 09-13-92 Over 45 Assorted DOS Utilities
BMPS10.ZIP 16058 04-23-92 Encrypt BATCH Files With Password Protection
BOBCAT22.ZIP 90148 04-04-93 Easy File/Directory Utility, Editor Etc.
BOOT13.ZIP 2136 09-23-92 Boot File Manager For Autoexec/Config
BOOT200.ZIP 204959 06-15-93 BOOT.SYS v2.00 <ASP> - The heavy-duty config
| manager. Gives you one or more menus out of
| CONFIG.SYS, similar to DOS6. Adds pretty
| menu, if/then/else, use of variables, and
| on-the-fly editing in CONFIG.SYS; reboot from
| cmd line; installation program upgrades DOS6
| multi-config; more! Does NOT write to your
| disk! NO resident driver under DOS6! 20 items
| per menu/25 menus. DOS 2.11 to 6.0 (DR, too),
| supports DOS= command. Auth: Hans Salvisberg
BOOTMA33.ZIP 147906 07-01-92 BootMaster, Configure Different Boot-Ups
BOOTR03.ZIP 21805 02-22-93 BOOT'R v0.3ß - DOS Configuration Manager
| BOOT'R is a utility that allows the
| management of multiple configurations on a
| single machine. BOOT'R not only allows the
| modification of the CONFIG.SYS and
| AUTOEXEC.BAT files, but any other files that
| might be needed.
BOOT_IT.ZIP 24831 02-09-92 Hard Disk Boot-Up Configuration Manager
BRAIN4.ZIP 259609 04-22-92 Dayo Job Scheduler, Run Files Etc Unattended!
BREAKIN.ZIP 2369 09-04-92 Modem Will Call You If Someone Messes With PC
BUSTATUS.ZIP 37774 01-13-93 Reports On Directories Needing Backed Up
BWIZ329.ZIP 144150 01-03-92 Highly Rated Hard Drive Backup W/ Compression
CAPBUFX.ZIP 33353 03-31-92 TSR To Capture Text Screens For Many Uses
CAT30.ZIP 22974 01-01-92 Excellent Replacement For DOS DIR Command
CATT.ZIP 76837 05-04-93 Catt: Fast TSR Menu/Bat Prog To Save HD Space
CAV10E.ZIP 214806 04-13-93 CacheAll(TM) v1.0e Factory Direct Eval -
| Technology independent cache, caches CD-ROMs,
| Network drives, Opticals, ... When run on
| workstation reduces network traffic & server
| loading, Artisoft LANtastic Compatible, has
| DOS/Microsoft Windows interface (shows files
| being cached). Uses RAM & SWAP FILE for cache
| storage (64 Meg cache size). 21KB, loads
| high, & can auto-configure itself. Runs under
| DOS, Windows, DR DOS, ...
CCS103.ZIP 4911 02-20-92 Configuration Control System, Change Boot-Up
CCT386.ZIP 211945 04-20-93 The Celem Cache Test compares the performance
| of memory subsystems on PC-compatible
| mainboards, specifically by showing the
| efficiency of the cache memory.
CDCONVRT.ZIP 38518 09-20-92 Convert CD-ROM file listings from most
| popular CD ROMs to PCBoard file directory
| listings
CDD10.ZIP 47606 03-18-93 CD-Director v1.00;- From the makers of
| AutoScribe PCB! This utility will move your
| files from your CDROM or HD to your desired
| location saving wear/tear on your drives.
| Also inserts zip comments. FREEWARE from
| Computer Profiles, this is highly configur-
| able. For PCB 14.5+ ONLY
CDDA10.ZIP 53695 06-13-93 CD-ROM Duplicate Analyzer v1.0 Will read
| "allfiles" listing for 2 CD-ROM discs and
| quickly produce a listing of duplicate files
| found between each, as well as duplicates
| found within the disc. Want to know if that
| new CD wil duplicate what you already have?
| Use CDDA to prepare a quick analysis.
| 05/28/93 Author:Robert Neal NOT CRIPPLED!
CDFDA10.ZIP 52433 06-13-93 CD-ROM File Date Analyzer v1.0 Will read
| "allfiles" listing for CD-ROM disc and
| produce matrix of file dates indicating # of
| file and # of bytes on a month by month
| analysis. Want to know if that new CD is
| really as "hot" as advertised? Use CDFDA to
| prepare a quick analysis. 05/28/93 Author:
| Robert Neal NOT CRIPPLED!
CDGRAB13.ZIP 37277 07-05-93 CDGRAB V1.3. Utility for CD-ROM drives.
| Interesting for all CD-ROM users-invalualble
| for audio or multimedia developers.
CDISK704.ZIP 348377 07-07-93 CATDISK v7.04 - Rick Hillier's Disk Catalog
| System - A friendly, powerful program that
| maintains a library of files in your disk
| collection. Supports all major archive file
| formats. DISKFILL automates and optimizes
| offloading files to floppies and catalogs
| them. DUPCLEAN cleans up duplicate or
| redundant files. See CDSK704D.* for a
| protected-mode version.
CDLDOS.ZIP 46950 08-01-93 CD-Link; CD-Link is a device driver that
| allows DOS applications to access CD-ROM disk
| readers as if they were "standard" DOS
| compatible disk drives. For DOS, it is an
| alternative to Microsoft's CD-ROM Extensions.
CDPRO20.ZIP 437386 06-11-93 CD-ROM Collections - Advanced Anniversary
| Single/multi-CD player support; Find, view
| (GIF, ZIP, ARJ, text files), copy, unarchive
| files, more! Many great reports and
| utilities; Create or convert FILES.BBS/DIRx
| (single or multi-line file descriptions
| supported); Floppy or file list dupe checker;
CDSK704D.ZIP 173745 07-07-93 CATDISK/D v7.04; Disk Catalog System -
| DPMI-compliant version of the CATDISK program
| itself. Runs in protected mode to use
| extended memory. Has higher capacity to
| facilitate CD-ROMS and large hard drives. You
| need the standard version for documentation
| and other utilities (avail as CDISK704.ZIP)
CDSPEED.ZIP 72157 08-19-92 Benchmark Test For CD-ROM Drives
CDTA.ZIP 14805 05-11-92 Compact Disc Access Time & Benchmark Program
CDU_V211.ZIP 432542 05-29-93 CDU is a collection of utilities that can be
| used with Rick Hillier's CATDISK (version
| 7.00 and up). It contains simple routines to
| update your diskette collection(s), to select
| the newest files from your collection and to
| clean catdisk <tm> databases. Also a clean-up
| routine is added so you can remove old
| diskette files in a simple way.
CFG2.ZIP 36258 01-01-93 Multiple Utilities For CONFIG.SYS File Use
CFGARC01.ZIP 58299 04-02-93 Config Archiver, Makes Backup Config&Autoexec
CHEKDP12.ZIP 20200 01-18-93 Generates A List Of Duplicate EXE & COM Files
CHKD120.ZIP 14617 05-13-92 Fast Replacement For DOS CHKDSK Command
CIASK.ZIP 14940 08-23-92 Make .Bat Files Prompt You For File Names
CLKTM20S.ZIP 8834 05-07-92 Clock And Task Performing TSR Utility
CLNDSK1.ZIP 12751 03-31-93 CLNDSK1.COM V 5.0 By RO-SOFT - <ASP> Four
| functions to clean unwanted data from a disk.
| Fill all unallocated disk space "0" or "your
| string". Fill the area of end file block not
| used with "0" or "your string". Remove all
| the deleted directory entries. Sort and store
| all directories.
CLRTMP10.ZIP 7249 07-19-93 ClearTemp v1.0: erases all dead files in the
| directory pointed to by the environment
| variable TEMP, TMP or WINTEMP. Files in
| subdirs and open files are not touched.
CMEDITOR.ZIP 22160 07-30-92 CMEditor, version 3.13, is a small, fast text
| line editor able to edit or view large files
| with long lines. Features easy mnemonic
| command structure, block move/copy/delete/
| output-to-file/print operators, text search/
| replace/global-replace, more. Standalone
| version of editor imbedded in CMFiler.
| Requires 91k free conventional memory, MS-DOS
| v.2 or better. Shareware by C. F. Martin,
| Member ASP.
CMOS13.ZIP 6832 03-19-92 Restore & Verify Damaged CMOS From Backup
CMPDIR20.ZIP 16635 04-19-92 Utility To Compare Separate File Directories
COMBI113.ZIP 46529 05-03-93 Combi-Disk: RAM & Disk Cache
CONED28.ZIP 70620 05-15-92 Select AUTOEXEC & CONFIG at boot. Features
| include: virtually unlimited # of
| configurations, delay feature for unattended
| system boots, warm/cold /alternate reboot
| methods, menu or command line reboot
| selection, Shell to the editor of your
| choice, Easy to use yet very powerful. This
| is both the novice and power users system
| configuration tool.
CONINS14.ZIP 26665 07-08-93 CONINS v1.04; Small command line utility for
| SYSOPS & BBS users alike to insert multiple
| FILE_ID.DIZ description files into archives
| using a BBS file listing or text file. It's
| fast and simple to use. If you've got a lot
| of ZIP archives and are loosing the battle
| describing the archives then this may be the
| answer for you. This release offers support
| for non PCBoard Format DIR Lists. Hanging
| bugs fixed added more speed.
COPYX.ZIP 101531 01-12-92 CopyX will copy a group of files from your
| hard disk to a group of floppies in the most
| efficient manner. CopyX will produce a group
| of floppies in such a manner as to store the
| largest number of files on the smallest
| number of floppies.
CPYFBBS1.ZIP 16245 11-18-92 COPYFBBS is intended to copy FILES.BBS's off
| of your CD-ROM or other media into the
| current directory using the passed naming
| convention. It will search all paths.
CRON250E.ZIP 58119 04-07-93 CronJr: Run Maintenence Events At Set Times
CRYPTE11.ZIP 40321 05-20-92 File Encryption Software, Protect Your Files
CSIP.ZIP 3465 12-28-91 simple utility program that causes a
| continuous CRT display of the processor stack
| and CS:IP registers. It is useful in
| debugging and tracing code that occasionally
| crashes or appears to "freeze".
CSSTOOLS.ZIP 53703 09-25-92 CSS Desktop Utils, Assist Day2Day Operations
CT50.ZIP 59998 06-10-93 Cache Test v5.0 - Test Drive Caches
CTRL3V74.ZIP 58748 03-25-93 Utility Like Norton Commander - But Faster!
CTV125.ZIP 28296 07-27-92 Script Based Software To Run Any DOS Program
CUDME373.ZIP 305925 01-23-93 v 3.7 Colorado Utilities Disk Manager Quick
| catalog, update, & query every file on all
| disks, diskettes, and CD-Roms. Retrieve by
| user assigned category. Multiple wild card
| and imbedded string queries. 410 character
| comment for each catalog entry. Supports 22
| printer types. Output user defined. 192
| characters on scrollable line. Menu driven.
| 4000+ entries. Plus (retail) version uses
| EMS. $47 + s/h. Upl/auth: Fred Hill
DASBOT22.ZIP 62613 02-28-93 DASBOOT v.2.1 <ASP> - A menu program to allow
| the user to select between several sets of
| CONFIG.SYS and AUTOEXEC.BAT files to help you
| get the maximum amount of memory for using
| memory hungry programs, and then an easy way
| to restore your normal day-to-day
| configuration. Compatible with Stacker and
| SMARTDRV. $10 U.S.
DATASAVE.ZIP 4271 01-26-93 Prevent Accidental Deletes, Like Norton Erase
DA_001B.ZIP 38011 01-31-93 The Allfiles Dieter; Removes many types of
| very bulky lines from your allfiles listing
| including "Files_:_", "Last_Revised:",
| Uploaded_by:" "Uncompressed_Size:" Note: _
| added to keep these lines! Version .001ßeta
DBLCHECK.ZIP 33092 06-30-93 DoubleCheck helps you manage your DoubleSpace
| drives. tells you how much disk space is
| really available, how much space is occupied
| by Sentry 'deleted' files, helps you recover
| damaged files, scans your disk looking for
| signs of trouble and much more.
DBLDIR14.ZIP 142237 07-12-93 Double Directory v1.40; display two disk
| directories side-by-side. Either can be the
| source or destination for copying, moving,
| renaming, deleting, viewing and printing
| files. It can compare two directories and tag
| the differences. Loaded with abundant
| features!
DCP13B.ZIP 28402 10-04-92 DIRCMDr PLUS v1.2 [ASP] Helps manage the
| multitude of switch combinations for DOS 5's
| DIR command. Provides menu-driven interface
| for selecting the various sorting/attribute
| features. Will also set the DIRCMD environ-
| ment variable to make selections permanent.
| Requires DOS 5.00. ASP-authored shareware.
| dos5 dos 5 dir dircmd utility Tay-Jee
| Software [ASP] v1.2
DDKEY201.ZIP 33504 02-26-93 DDKEY 2.01 (ASP), 7.5k TSR key redefinition
| utility with pop-up editing, optional record
| mode, literal key, halt for user entry in
| macros, instant on/off, pair shorthand,
| toggle CapsLock or NumLock from macro,
| automatic capitalization at sentence start,
| 24-hr alarm, screen blanker, ASCII table,
| print screen to file, modify cursor, load and
| save key files. Pause, reassign, or chain
| macros. Includes Dvorak layout.
DDM11.ZIP 11756 05-31-93 DoubleSpace Disk Manager (DDM); provides a
| menu'ed interface to mount and unmount a
| doublespaced diskette. Requires MS-DOS 6.0
DEA001.ZIP 52613 04-13-93 Small Program Which Encrypts Data
DEL101.ZIP 13484 08-24-92 Enhancement Of DOS DEL/ERASE Command
DELBAK23.ZIP 11725 09-02-91 DELBAK v2.3; program to delete nasty, space
| gobbling BAK, TMP, DBK, OLD and 0-length
| files your disk drives.
DELETED.ZIP 13154 05-02-93 Maximum Security File Delete W/Pascal Source
DELEX127.ZIP 41740 10-06-93 DelEx 1.27 allows deleting all files except
| the patterns that you specify. DelEx will
| handle ten patterns at once. Delex also
| erases hidden and read-only files. Delex will
| also keep logs of its file deletions. All
| deletions are recoverable via the DOS
| undelete command. A quiet mode is also
| included for batch opperations.
DEVLOD18.ZIP 2885 03-25-93 DEVLOAD loads DOS Device Drivers from the
| command line. Character and Block device
| drivers are supported. Useful for CDROM and
| scanner drivers which can now be installed
| only on the occasions when needed. Upgraded
| for MS-DOS6 support.
DF461.ZIP 235074 06-06-93 Directory Freedom v4.61 <ASP> Small/fast dir
| manager. Move/copy files, create archives,
| change time/date/attributes and much more.
| Advanced user-defined commands and Smart
| Viewers; includes archive viewers. Maint
| release w/system info screen enhancements,
| PKZIP 2.0x support in archive viewer, range
| of bug fixes, more. $25 registration.
DFL333.ZIP 193093 10-25-92 Duplicate File Locator is a complete software
| system used to locate, view, compare and
| delete duplicate files on your computer
| system. No matter where the files reside: in
| various subdirectories, on network drives, or
| even in archive files of various formats, DFL
| will find them for you, and allow you to
| view, delete or retain them as you see fit.
DIA.ZIP 49600 09-28-92 Edit Files, Delete Files & Directories
DIP20.ZIP 113289 05-27-93 DIP 2.0; (Diskette Information Program) disk
| tracking program gives total information to
| distinguise from newer copies of backed-up
| files from older ones
DIR2BT16.ZIP 30757 10-04-93 DIR2BAT v1.6: Write a listing of drive path
| file specs matching the user's entered file
| specification to the file DIR2.BAT, allowing
| DIR2.BAT to perform actions to the files.
DIRC11S.ZIP 21826 02-09-93 DIRC v1.1s - Now you can do a DIR in color!
| This is the best DIR replacement ever! Must
| see to believe.
DIRDSK.ZIP 22739 11-07-91 Allows you to easily maintain a files
| directory (DIR file) for a constantly
| changing file area. Designed for companies
| that provide (files) support via BBS.
DIRSIZ20.ZIP 14283 05-04-93 Quickly Determine Size Of Any Directory
DIRTO306.ZIP 157678 06-24-93 Dirtotal - prepares a report showing files in
| subdirectory or drive. Allows some
| restriction requests (show only files with
| date greater than a certain value).
DIRTOT.ZIP 18575 05-14-92 Visual View Of Used Hard Drive Space
DISCAT14.ZIP 115598 12-17-92 Automatically Catalogs Files Of All Types
DISK50.ZIP 68705 03-25-93 Disk Utilities By RO-SOFT Ver 5.0 - <ASP>
| Upgrade to work on any size drive partition A
| disk optimizer DEFRAG, permanent directory
| sort SORTDIR, error scan DISKSCAN, file
| recovery UNDELETE, double color dir
| list/print/all dirs DDIR, disk directory tree
| list/print TREE, locate files on any drive
| WHERE, repeat a command in all dirs REPTCOMM.
DISKLF25.ZIP 37683 11-24-92 DISKLEFT v2.5, fast disk profile of all
| drives on a single screen, correct to the
| byte. Smart about many drive types: fixed,
| network, floppy (including DRIVER), RAM,
| substituted, unavailable, and unconfigured
| drives. New options for monochrome and color
| configuration. Free product of FunStuff(tm)
| Software, Paul Munoz-Colman, makers of
| Personal Calendar(tm). <ASP>
DIZ2153.ZIP 28248 04-25-93 DIZ/2 v1.53; ProDoor utility to extract
| FILE_ID.DIZ in ZIP/ARJ/LZH/PAK files, adds
| the # of files, newest/oldest file dates and
| the uncompressed size. Local Uploading.
| Removes unwanted BBSAds, archive comment
| generator. The fastest and most powerful
| processor out!
DIZEDIT2.ZIP 41561 07-03-93 DIZEDIT v2.0; Allows editing of those nice
| little description files commonly found in
| archive files. Supports ZIP,ARJ and LZH
| formats. Many BBS systems use this file as
| the ACTUAL description whenever the archive
| file is uploaded to them. Commonly, the file
| is named FILE_ID.DIZ, however other
| variations are FILE.DES or FILE.SDI.
DIZGEN10.ZIP 56000 04-05-93 DIZ FILE GENERATOR v1.0 <ASP> Creates and
| maintains FILE_ID.DIZ description files in
| the proper format for most BBS's to accept.
| The generator allows a maximum of 10 lines of
| 45 characters or a maximum of 450 characters.
| $0 Shareware by Micro System Solutions.
| Registration requested. Software is free.
DIZMAN12.ZIP 51889 05-31-93 DizMan v1.20 - The Description Manager!
| DizMan can import "FILE_ID.DIZ" to your
| board. Working with all BBS's with FILES.BBS!
| Works with ARC/ARJ/ DWC/EXE/HA
| also describes BMP, GIF, JPG, LBM, MAC, MSP,
| STM, STS, 669! You can define additional
| formats & packers.
DIZZY1.ZIP 12568 09-24-93 DIZZY; Free DOS utility: FILE_ID.DIZ off-
| line reformatter v1.01a, reformats any text
| file into 44 (or other spec. length)
| character lines, preparing it for use as a
| FILE_ID.DIZ (a BBS .ZIP file contents
| descriptor). W/ Pascal source.
DIZZY_39.ZIP 48115 06-17-93 Dizzy v3.9; Import FILE_ID.DIZ or OTHER DESC.
| to your FILES.BBS
DLIST101.ZIP 15841 05-09-93 DLIST; Download List Description Creator
| Process a user specified directory of files,
| and extract the file descriptions from
| file_id.diz or desc.sdi files inside zip's or
| from an existing file list. It processes the
| descriptions & outputs them to a text file.
DLOG322.ZIP 70106 08-25-93 DiskaLog v3.22; Add file notes to DIR list.
| Disk cataloger and DOS shell in one! Now add
| 300 character descriptions to each filename
| and directory on a disk like BBS file lists
DMBB25.ZIP 80645 04-24-93 Super Sys-Info, Over 250 Computer Tests!
DMODE104.ZIP 3106 06-01-93 Dmod v1.04; DMODE is a variation of the DOS
| MODE command dedicated to servicing the
| serial ports on a PC compatible computer.
| What DMODE does do is allow the user to
| program baud rates from 50 to 115200 bps.
| Additionally, and perhaps more importantly,
| DMODE allows you to check the current
| configuration of your serial ports.
DODIR.ZIP 42950 12-31-91 Dodir is a simple program that will process a
| PCB style dir## file. It locates the file
| using dlpath.lst and then calls AC150a to
| convert. Changes extension & filesize in the
| dir##. Another toolkit utility.
DOG317.ZIP 54897 04-17-92 Hard Disk Defragmenter And Organizer
DOS6MENU.ZIP 1628 04-03-93 Sample Config Files For Dos 6's Bootup Menu
DOS6TECH.ZIP 19409 03-05-93 Tech Files For Dos 6 From Microsoft
DOSMAX21.ZIP 114918 06-11-93 DOSMAX 2.1 frees conventional memory by
| STACKS into upper memory, get 628K free with
| your memory manager. Also load the DOS 5/6
| kernel or COMMAND.COM in a UMB. DOS 3 - 6,
| DR-DOS, Shareware $15.
DOSNX20C.ZIP 176948 07-10-92 Unix Style DOS File And Text Utilities
DOSVU15C.ZIP 261991 07-01-93 DOSview "A DOS Extension" v1.5;
DRIVEGEO.ZIP 12014 05-16-93 Drive Geometry v7.395+e06 This program will
| return the number of Cylinders, Heads and
| Sectors Per Track for a Partionable drive.
| OS/2
DRIV_101.ZIP 66646 04-30-93 DRIV-MAN v1.01 r04/30/93 Micrometric <ASP>:
| SINGLE SCREEN disk drive(1-26) summary
| display includes: DRIVE DATA SUMMARY with
| capacity/used/free each drive, DRIVE DATA
| INDIVIDUAL DRIVE DATA - all data, one drive
| at a time. Great for multi-drive systems,
| networks, large systems! Options include:
| DRIVE RANGE, save output to disk, ability to
| run a file manager, auto run, more++.
DRKRYPTN.ZIP 52856 04-07-93 Encrypt Files Using Numbers Up To 44-Digits
DRS122.ZIP 116096 05-05-92 Data Recovery, Get Data From Unreadable Disks
DRVTEST.ZIP 16509 06-24-93 DRVTEST v000: utility that tests SCSI disk
| drives. ASPI driver is required. 06/24/93.
| LDP Software. 06/24/93.
DRX109.ZIP 39467 06-14-92 Check .COM & .EXE Files For Type Of
| Compression Used
DRY586.ZIP 172829 04-24-93 Dhrystone 586: 486 Or Pentium CPU Benchmark
DSHARP10.ZIP 65449 01-24-93 DeHaven's Sharp-Edged Tools. 22 fast, small
| and useful utilities from a programming guru.
| Drive batch files (included), walk memory and
| driver chains, step through commands and
| batch files. Low-level security routines and
| a music program to play Bach. This is what a
| whimsical programmer writes, collects and
| uses. Shareware from the author of Victor
| Charlie anti-virus program. Registration $25.
| From an ASP member.
DST.ZIP 33610 12-25-92 Disk Searching Tool To Locate Lost Files
DTRAC200.ZIP 19386 12-01-92 The disk tracker v2.0 keep and print a log of
| all the files on your drive. Disk tracker
| will show you new files and also keep track
| of deleted files. Find duplicate files and
| delete them to save space. Great utility.
DUSE30.ZIP 78452 11-11-92 DiskUse v3.0 is an advanced utility program
| that allows you to "see" your hard disk in
| text and graphical modes. DiskUse reports
| hard disk usage in MGA\CGA\EGA\VGA, as well
| in text mode. Graphical charts of usage and
| tabular (text) reports are easily created by
| DiskUse and can be imported into spreadsheets
| like Quattro and 1-2-3. (Shareware $15)
DZK4D304.ZIP 164119 01-10-93 DiZk4D 3.04 <ASP> The FIRST dizk cataloger
| created specifically for 4DOS. Edit & Create
| description files, catalog dizks, print 4
| styles of labels, dizk sleeves, perform
| searches and MORE! Works as easy as slipping
| a disk into the drive and running DIR. From
| Unicorn Software Ltd.
ED6PATCH.ZIP 27639 04-05-93 Patch Dos 6.0's Edit, Make It Default To *.*
EDDY7D.ZIP 210394 09-13-93 EDDY 7d; Do ANYTHING with files, disks and
| directories! EDDY is ALL of these:
| Full-screen directory editor & manager;
| Sector editor; RAM editor; DOS shell; File
| finder, viewer, patcher & comparer; String
| finder/replacer (hex,or ASCII); File backup
| and data recovery utility; .and MUCH more!
EE.ZIP 12668 07-28-92 Environment Editor, Can Be Used Full Screen
EID140.ZIP 115219 07-16-92 Encrypt-It, DES File Security System
ELC10.ZIP 2872 04-14-92 Handy File Encryption, Up To 60k File Size
ENV17Z.ZIP 53141 04-15-92 DOS Environment Utility, Enhanced SET Command
ENVIRO30.ZIP 10231 02-10-93 ENVIRO v3.0 - The DOS Environment Inspector.
| Displays allocation and usage information on
| the DOS environment buffer, as well as its
| content. Ideal for assisting in the tracking
| down what is lost due to the DOS "Out of
| Environment Space" Error message, and/or for
| identifying unnecessary data in the buffer.
| -[ Shareware by George Silberstern ]-
ENVI_103.ZIP 22447 04-30-93 ENVI-MAN v1.03 r04/30/93 Micrometric <ASP>:
| An Environment utility: small assembly
| language routine with optional display of
| environment strings & data such as location,
| size & space available of the Master env.;
| batch file environment space test provides
| graceful exit if there is not enough.
EPW13.ZIP 4548 02-01-92 Executable File (COM, EXE) Password Protect
ERD23.ZIP 7349 03-16-93 Enhanced Remove Directory 2.3 Powerful
| program to remove a directory with all its
| files, subdirectories, and their files. Full
| version. Reg fee: $5.00
ESCCMM10.ZIP 226998 04-05-93 CMMenu system interface; Menuize an
| application, a series of applications or an
| entire system. A CLOSER LOOK: The CMMenu
| program is an elaborate, configurable,
| customizable menu which exits with an
| errorlevel ascending from low to high. The
| first item in the CMMenu is the letter A. A =
| errorlevel 2, B = errorlevel 3 etc. In other
| words, errorlevel exits can be defined
| starting from 2 through 37. Additionally
ET1E32.ZIP 192255 04-03-93 Packs 100's of extremely FAST file, directory
| and program management utilities in an
| easy-to-use package. Works with over 16,000
| files across 26 disks as if they were in
| place! View, print, copy, move, rename, tag,
| sort, change attributes, change time/date,
| erase, graft, find, attach notes, check disk
| space on all disks or memory at once, create
| user-defined programmable menus, shell to
| DOS, run programs from EXE, COM, BAT, BTM or
EXC26.ZIP 54867 07-18-93 EXC v2.6: script processor for DOS apps that
| works like your communications scripts w/key
| on timing, data on the screen, data not on
| the screen, etc. Enter programmed keystrokes
| w/loop processing/branching. Allows you to
| automate menu/dialogue box DOS applications
| easily. Non-TSR
EXEPRO.ZIP 9872 02-01-93 Password Protect Any Executable Program
EXTFS2.ZIP 14448 07-28-92 List All Extensions In A Dir & # With Each
EZREAD23.ZIP 32759 01-05-93 Ez-Read, Replacement For DOS's "TYPE" Command
EZVIEW51.ZIP 48065 07-06-93 EZVIEW v5.1: file viewing util whose cursor
| can be used to count characters in text and
| bytes in hex. View/search/sort dirs/print.
| 07/06/93. Charles J. Hill.
FCOM30.ZIP 201900 10-15-93 FCOM 3.0:The File Combine; FCOM is an
| invaluable tool if you have need to combine
| multiple files into one. Prime example:
| multiple chapters of a book, or manual. With
| FCOM it's simple, you tag the files, in the
| order you want added, set a few options if
| needed, and sit back!
FCOMP101.ZIP 111192 01-14-92 Compare Text Files, Show Differences
FDATE80A.ZIP 68831 07-20-93 FDATE v80A: utility for date manipulation in
| batch files. Functions include putting the
| date/format of your choice into an
| environment variable, & doing date & time
| arithmetic
FFF40.ZIP 109621 08-15-92 FileFinder Release 4.0. Finds files on all
| hard drives, networked drives, and inside
| compressed files. FAST AND FLEXIBLE. This is
| a bug fix release. It corrects the lockup
| problem some users have been experiencing.
FFLIP217.ZIP 101083 04-07-92 FastFlip, Load Up To 10 Programs, Swap Fast
FFM120.ZIP 23909 09-22-92 Find File / Manipulator, Finds Any File
FILEID31.ZIP 42377 02-20-93 FILE_ID 3.10ß; Supports automatic adding of
| FILE_ID.DIZ to ZIP, ARJ, LZH, SDN Archives.
| Easy to use Creates FILE_ID.DIZ header. FLAGS
| meets Specs set by many Bulletin Board
| ASP VENDORS, and Many other uses.
FILUP302.ZIP 50614 02-08-93 Copy Any Newer Programs Than Those In Target
FINDDRV.ZIP 7563 03-17-93 Quick Program To Determine If A Drive Exists
FINDIR40.ZIP 18520 04-22-93 Find Directory 3.0: Supp For DOS 6 & DblSpace
FINDIRQ.ZIP 47968 08-25-93 Utility For Finding Active IRQs
FIXCH305.ZIP 50555 05-19-93 FIXCHARS.EXE: Program which removes
| non-standard print characters from a text
| file. Translates graphics characters into
| their ASCII equivalents. Also expands tabs
| and removes backspaces. Is primarily intended
| for people who have problems printing a file.
FIXMBR28.ZIP 27171 04-03-93 Combination Recovery/Integrity For Hard Drive
FL150.ZIP 43777 08-17-93 Fast Load v1.50; Unique productivity tool
| which makes maximum use of available EMS or
| XMS on your computer to provide instant
| Execution Loading of .EXE, .COM, and .OVL
| type files. Additionally, it can cache DAT,
| BAT and other data files.
FLDDIR5.ZIP 36270 09-04-92 Double-Column, Non-Scrolling Directory
FLEXP250.ZIP 189078 09-24-92 FLEXIBAK Plus v 2.50. Hard Disk Backup.
| Features compression, selective backups and a
| unique backup method where you only have to
| take a full backup once! Now you can backup
| to fixed media (even across networks), also
| includes IMPROVED compression and speed!! A
| must try! Added utilities for registered
| users! <ASP>
FMAN203.ZIP 14098 03-01-93 Records File Info Of Disks To Numbered Files
FMAV20.ZIP 46227 12-11-92 File Maven 2.0 File Maven (tm) is an advanced
| DOS file manager with high speed PC-to-PC
| transfer capabilities using a null modem
| cable. Uses a modern user interface with
| pull-down menus, mouse support, hot keys, and
| user- defined screen colors. Copy, move,
| delete, wipe, rename, edit, view, tag,
| execute, and sort files. Create, delete, and
| rename directories. $15 shareware program.
FNET_14.ZIP 14174 08-14-93 FNET@ v1.4; FeatherNet BBS @-MACRO developers
| TSR util. <ALT><INS> invokes. Handy for quick
| reference to FeatherNet's Xcodes and "@"
| macros. Can also, "TRANSFER" your selection
| to your work surface.
FP-209D.ZIP 347978 08-30-93 F-prot Antiviral Scanner v2.09d From Frisk's
| System
FPICK23A.ZIP 22562 03-29-93 Add Picklist Capability For Batch Files
FRISK.ZIP 10382 02-16-92 Search For Files Fast, Command-Line Options
FSPLIT.ZIP 36135 03-21-92 Split, Join Or Kill Files In Current Dir
FSRCH21.ZIP 44075 07-06-92 Search Through Files To Find Text Strings
FSW2A.ZIP 131708 12-22-92 Fast, Powerful File Search Utility
FULLVIEW.ZIP 42508 02-09-92 View The Entire Memory Structure Of PC
FULL_D.ZIP 53720 12-31-92 Fully Enabled Version Of Directory Alternative
FUMBS100.ZIP 6831 04-09-93 - FIXUMBS v1.00- - - - UMB management aid for
| DOS 5 (or above). - - First public release. -
| - - - Do you use shadow ram for UMBs? - - Do
| you load programs high? - - Do you use QEMM
| or a similar memory - - manager? - - Do you
| seem to have lost about 384K? - - Do you like
| to have the most available - - memory? - - -
| - If you answered yes to any of the above - -
| questions, you probably need FIXUMBS. - - -
| Another great utility from- - RJS Software
GENRGAP.ZIP 159158 04-05-92 Powerful File Compare Utility, Many Features
GGREP.ZIP 87356 09-22-92 Grep: Searches File For Specified Expression
GLEDIT27.ZIP 31153 09-29-93 GLEDIT v2.7: formerly GEDIT, globally search
| for, & optionally replace, a string of
| characters in all selected files in a dir.
GSCRN100.ZIP 21159 04-26-93 GrabScreen: Text/Ascii Screen Capture Util
GTBAK.ZIP 254516 09-08-92 Powerful Yet Safe Way Of Backing Up Your Data
GUIMEM.ZIP 18617 03-19-92 GUI Character Based Memory Display Program
HAVE122.ZIP 29111 05-17-93 Displays Dos/Mouse Version, Mem, Etc.
HDOS.ZIP 67609 04-02-92 Several Needed Utilities DOS Forgot!
HDTRAK11.ZIP 72491 07-17-93 HardTrack V1.1; Hard Drive Auditing. Tracks
| Modified, New, and Missing Files on Hard and
| Network Drives. Use Automatic Daily Scan,
| Full Screen, or PC Admin. modes. Report
| option the scan file or current drive scan to
| report changes. PC admininstrators can use
| HardTrack from a floppy for software audits.
| Or, use just before a software install. Easy
| to Install and Use!
HFM318.ZIP 298393 03-18-93 HFM: Convenient Shareware File Manager
HIMOV220.ZIP 130346 05-12-93 HiMOVE v2.20; Upper Memory Manager for
| computers with NEAT-Chipset. HiMOVE uses the
| shadow RAM of computers with the NEAT CHIPSet
| from Chips & Technologies to load device
| drivers and TSRs into unused areas of the
| upper memory area. Easy, menu driven
| installation and configuration.
HIVIDEO.ZIP 15348 07-10-93 HiVIDEO v2.03; DOS Memory Expander for
| VGA/EGA systems. The unused graphics memory
| of the VGA/EGA display adapter in text mode
| is used to expand the conventional DOS memory
| by 96kB. No graphic can be used if this mode
| is on. The expansion can be switched on and
| off dynamically from the command line.
HOBOSCAN.ZIP 49876 01-02-93 HoboScan will check for new files in the
| specified directory, open up archives to
| extract executable files and overlays, and
| run VirusScan on them.
HOTDIR73.ZIP 76796 06-08-93 HotDIR Plus v7.3; An enhancement release
| which adds several new features and options.
| Many new features; increased colores, true
| path, file size in MB, optimized for speed -
| works with OS/2 HPFS
HTLITE10.ZIP 249550 06-16-92 32-Bit DOS PC Computer Benchmark Tests
HYDK452S.ZIP 277713 01-18-93 HyperDisk Cache v4.52s.
IDEID11.ZIP 24369 05-12-92 Gives Complete Info About Your IDE Hard Drive
IFP1P156.ZIP 111469 12-30-92 INFOPLUS 1.56, system information Display 21
| pages of information about different aspects
| of your computer. This 12/30/92 version adds
| automatic printing, more info about some
| TSR's, and even more TSR's.
IFP1S156.ZIP 114628 12-30-92 InfoPlus, Display 21 Pages Of Comp. Info, Src.
IMG.ZIP 18609 05-01-92 Disk Compactor, Better Than Senddisk
IMOVE10.ZIP 6429 10-16-93 V1.0 of Intergral Move, a file mover/
| directory renamer
INCOMAND.ZIP 324020 01-31-93 Command-Line Utilities For Dos, Powerful!
INPUT22.ZIP 27726 04-16-93 INPUT v2.11-Adv. ASK.COM replacement [ASP]
| Allows you to ask questions and receive input
| in .BATs. Full color, many options for
| returning input. Returns errorlevel, sets an
| environment variable, or execute a program
| directly. The ultimate interactive utility
| for DOS batch files.
INT13.ZIP 7209 07-30-92 Makes Disk/File Access Visible To You
INTVL185.ZIP 56424 10-06-93 INTERVAL v1.85; Program which will run a DOS
| command or program once during a user defined
| period of time. INTERVAL will keep logs on
| activity and is batch file friendly. INTERVAL
| can also set an errorlevel to indicate its
| completion status.
IOZON115.ZIP 40346 05-29-92 IOZone - Benchmarks Your System In File Reads
IP122.ZIP 9587 11-19-91 Interrupt checker for Serials
IUTILS.ZIP 25777 02-17-93 Package With Many Handy File Utilities
JPRDY10.ZIP 45663 08-18-93 Disk Cache Jeopardy Detection; Monitors a
| particular directory on a particular drive
| for jeopardy periods. It changes the screen
| border color to red whenever the monitored
| drive is in jeopardy of invalid directory
| entries or cross-linked files.
JSFB4B10.ZIP 34990 03-06-93 JSF-B4B v1.0 - BTYE-4-BYTE FILE COMPARISON
| Now you can COMPARE any two files of -ANY-
| size using a BYTE for BYTE method with all
| differences shown as DECimal, HEXadeciamal
| and ASCII character values. Allows start &
| end specifications on compare and non-stop or
| set page length for output. *SHAREWARE* by
| John S. Fowler Alt-Reality 508-630-2913
KBCRYP.ZIP 14666 04-03-92 KBCRYP alfatest KBCRYP puts an enconded
| string in keyboard buffer.
KDBKUP.ZIP 75371 05-09-91 KDBackup; Menu-driven selection makes backups
| easy. Built-in "Backup Advisor" helps you to
| decide when to do a backup and what kind to
| do. Supports up to five hard disks with
| separate backup series.
KEYS1-0.ZIP 2138 07-06-93 Short File To Config. Keyboard On Bootup
KG_DF105.ZIP 5176 03-15-93 Displays Amount Of Free Disk Space As A %
KWSRC120.ZIP 22337 01-22-93 Do Logical And/Or/Not Searches On Text Files
LACE14.ZIP 45901 05-11-93 PC-DOS/MS-DOS Multiple Configuration Utility
LAMBCHOP.ZIP 182957 01-21-92 LambChop v1.02 Brand New! (01/21/92)
| Absolutely the finest file chopping system
| available. FASTer than xcopy, compression,
| error checking, drop to DOS between disks,
| operates from the DOS command line or a pull
| down menu system, directly access files when
| UnChopping, restores file attributes & time,
| available memory is your only limit!
| ShareWare.
LAST21.ZIP 88548 09-05-92 LAST v2.1; Enables you to review and resume
| the last work you've done without having to
| remember filenames and directories. It
| quickly searches your disk for the files that
| you updated most recently, and displays them
| in filedate order. Its repertoire includes a
| file viewer/file finder, disk manager/DOS
| shell, program launcher, high speed text
| search functions, and file sorter.
LAWSON10.ZIP 18876 02-20-93 Lawson Menu; Like A Peg Board For BATch files
LCKR200.ZIP 52942 01-16-93 LHA Chunker 2.0 by Jibben Software LHA
| Chunker splits and sizes all types of files,
| including LHA files. Will split to a size to
| fit specific floppy format or to user
| determined size. Files except LHA files can
| be rejoined. LHA files can be split so that
| they will extract to fit on a specific floppy
| size. The files created are still LHA files.
| LHA Chunker can also split any file directly
| to floppy for easy backup.
LKUP102A.ZIP 11760 03-07-93 Lookup File Names Or Extensions On Drives
LOC310.ZIP 23521 12-09-92 Use when you need to locate files across
| several logical or physical drives.
LOGDATE.ZIP 26761 12-15-91 Logdate is a small utility program that will
| rename your daily log files so that they can
| be archived using the Dos ren command.
LOGMSG10.ZIP 35849 11-15-92 LogMsg v1.0; Simple and small program to help
| you record messages, along with the date &
| time, in a continuous text (log) file. Useful
| for unattended program runs through batch
| files to help track what happened and when.
LOGR10.ZIP 2831 10-03-92 TSR monitors your com port, and records when
| your phone rings - what time and how many
| rings. Should not interfere with other
| telecommunications programs in progress.
| 10/03/92.
LSDIR_20.ZIP 13869 05-06-92 Stacker Directory, Tells Compress Percentage
MAM1_09.ZIP 64883 08-10-93 MAM, Memory Allocation Manager. Memory
| mapping and mark/release utility with lots of
| features. Now supports DOS 6 and includes
| full documentation.
MBACK20.ZIP 198991 10-09-92 MegaBack version 2.0 from Patriquin - A GREAT
| backup program designed to make your backups
| quick and easy! This new version of MegaBack
| is 25% faster! MegaBack has point & shoot
| exclude, interruptable full backup, data
| compression, full/incremental backups, EASY
| restore and more! Great compliment for tape
| or notebook backup. Very professional!
MC100H_B.ZIP 221419 04-12-93 MegaCat v1.0h, Help Organize Files & Dirs
MCF100.ZIP 66907 10-02-92 Utility To Manage Multiple Boot Configurations
MEGA15.ZIP 55176 07-26-93 MegaForce Utlities v1.5; A load of useful
| utilites for DOS Users.
MEGCPY10.ZIP 17166 04-26-93 MEGA-COPY v1.0 RyanWare Graphical,
| multi-tasking compliant, replacement for DOS'
| copy command. Accepts the @<filename>
| directive, thus may be used as an "External
| batch protocol" on local nodes of BBS
| systems. Progress status bars, multi-disk
| copies, etc...
MEMHINTS.ZIP 7417 01-07-92 Text: Helpful memory hints for people using
| DOS 5.0 and/or Qemm. If you want the most out
| of your memory, use these tips.
MH-ESDI.ZIP 24041 01-13-93 ESDI Identify v1.50: Returns info on all ESDI
| hard drives attached to your (286+) system.
| Shows head, cylinder, sector counts, and
| other misc info. Drive only needs to be
| hooked-up, does not need to be prepaired.
| (Date 12/07/92) Req: 286+CPU. Freeware from
| Micro House International. -AV
MITSUMI.ZIP 3146 03-18-93 Use 2+ Mutsumi CD-ROMS On An IRQ & DMA
MKDIZ130.ZIP 61833 07-02-93 MKDIZ Version 1.30S - A Menu driven program
| which allows you to create and insert
| FILE_ID.DIZ and/or DESC.SDI description files
| into archive files created by PKZip. These
| description files contain a short informative
| description of the files & programs contained
| within .ZIP files. These descriptions can be
| read and automatically displayed on a BBS
| file directory that supports .DIZ/.SDI
| descriptors.
MLTIBOOT.ZIP 1047 06-27-93 Batch File Examples of DOS 6.0 Multiboot.
MORTON.ZIP 58360 10-15-92 Morton Utilities, Handy Memory Resident Progs
MOVE120.ZIP 11691 07-28-93 MOVE v1.20; File Utility to Move or Redirect
| files from one directory to another. MOVE is
| Very FAST....... and the command line syntax
| is easy to use. This program is great for
| those wanting efficient DOS enhancements
MOVEIT14.ZIP 33020 08-29-91 File Area Mgr, Can Use Remotely
MSGV1.ZIP 36804 07-22-92 Adds Music, Sound & Graphics To Batch Files!
MSYS12.ZIP 61228 01-31-93 Multiple Configuration System, Up To 50 Cnfgs
MV30.ZIP 13294 10-13-92 File move util, Supports moves Across Drives
NCPSVS.ZIP 16182 02-27-93 View Your First Meg (1024k) Of Memory
NDIR177.ZIP 55099 02-26-92 NDIR.EXE, the most powerful dir lister
| around. Select different colors for each file
| extention, full control of sorting and
| display options, show mul- tiple filespecs in
| one display, exclude extensions from list,
| directory-tree display that shows tree sizes
| in bytes AND disk space, powerful batch mode
| for creating flexible batch files, configur-
| ation program included, many other options!
NETLGO11.ZIP 32930 09-07-93 NetLOGO v1.1; Will insert a Text file into
| your Zip's as a LOGO. NOT CRIPPLED in any
| way, no extra's inserted into your ZIP file,
| just the logo. Now With BBS and SET Support
NEWSED2.ZIP 38882 05-10-91 The *ULTIMATE* BBS news editor. This is the
| most configurable news editor for your BBS.
| Creates both ANSI and ASCII news files. Also
| very FAST!
NJTIDY31.ZIP 12760 08-20-92 Disk Tidier, Delete BAK & User Specified Files
NLITN301.ZIP 39400 09-17-92 EnLighten v3.01 is a great executable file
| compressor front end. It has been 90%
| completely rewritten and supports PKLITE,
| DIET, and LZEXE (and UNLZEXE). It features
| compressing/expanding files simultaneously,
| 25 or 43/50 text modes, mouse support, and
| most unique: Best Compression, which
| determines which file compressor will produce
| the best result! It is super easy to use and
| VERY user friendly. Author : Jim Hisey
NOADS14.ZIP 15931 10-14-91 NoAds v1.4 - October 14, 1991. Contains FWKCS
| compatible signatures for the exclusion of
| BBS ads. Version 1.4 identifies 844 of them.
| Instructions included on adding them to your
| existing database of signatures. Works with
| ExZTest & ExZip via the FWKCS program.
NUMDAY10.ZIP 18726 07-22-92 Figure # Of Days Between Dates & More!
OFFDISK1.ZIP 38308 03-13-92 OFFLINE; OffLine Storage Program
ONEADAY.ZIP 112474 09-20-92 Utility Will Run Any Program At A Given Time
OSCAR105.ZIP 49340 09-03-92 User-Friendly File Manager, Tons Of Features!
OZP11.ZIP 87763 04-27-92 Ounce Of Prevention, Protect/Restore Files
PASBR22.ZIP 122112 05-04-92 Point-And-Shoot Hard Disk Backup Utility
PASSWOD.ZIP 20803 08-12-92 Simple Password System, Lots Of Noise
PATH20.ZIP 43454 05-11-92 >>> PathTool v2.0 <<< PathTool is a powerful
| utility which easily lets users modify the
| PATH by using straight forward commands.
| PathTool is capable of generating PATH's
| longer than 121 bytes. It is more powerful
| than any existing PATH modification
| utilities! Tested with many versions of DOS
| and LANs.
PATHTL22.ZIP 56319 08-03-93 PathTool v2.2; A powerful utility which
| easily lets users modify PATH by using
| straight forward commands. PathTool is
| capable of generating a PATH longer than 121
| bytes. It is more powerful than any existing
| PATH modification utility! Non-PATH
| environment variables can also be modified.
| Modify the INCLUDE & LIB variables for your
| compiler! Tested with many versions of DOS,
| Windows, OS/2, 4DOS, and LANs.
PATH_113.ZIP 22576 04-30-93 PATH-MAN v1.13 r04/30/93 Micrometric <ASP>:
| Utility searches the directory path elements
| of the PATH statement for a given file;
| allows DOS wildcard characters; ERRORLEVEL
| variable set, based on search result, to
| allow more user friendly batch files;
| optionally display the path element found.
PB19C.ZIP 30880 02-24-92 PlayBack Keystrokes, Anytime Or Later Time
PCDIR15.ZIP 43422 10-26-91 PC-Directory v1.6; With PC-Directory's
| (PC-Dir) filenotes you can leave 160
| character reminders to yourself, and others,
| on the contents, status, or purpose of each
| of your files.
PCDOC40.ZIP 49274 05-07-92 Pc Doctor, Find System Info, Edit Memory
PCEXTRA.ZIP 11823 01-10-93 Rename Directories Easily And Fast ...
PCLOCKS.ZIP 76051 05-23-92 Compilation Of PC Security/Password Programs
PCMASDIR.ZIP 427208 03-27-92 Combination File Catalog & DOS Utilities
PCS210B.ZIP 102430 01-01-93 PcSentry; Security System For PC's & Networks
PDEL44.ZIP 64630 05-01-92 PDELETE 4.1; A complete utility to
| intelligently delete files from your system.
| Saves time!
PDQ121.ZIP 85070 09-12-92 PDQ Utils 1.21 is a set of matched utilities
| which can make life easier for any hard disk
| user. Includes a directory changer,directory
| lister, file locator and a text file viewer.
PFRP100.ZIP 12617 01-17-93 Pseudo-Random File Picker, Picks From List
PGP22.ZIP 192338 03-07-93 Public Key Encryption For The Masses (PGP)
PGP22SRC.ZIP 532270 03-07-93 Source Code To PGP Encryption Software
PMANDBL.ZIP 1519 04-03-93 Poor Mans Disk Doubler - Uses PKZIP Compress
PMEM.ZIP 27429 12-30-92 Protected Mode Monitor, Up To 4 GIG Address
POCK31.ZIP 157175 10-16-93 POCKETD PLUS v3.1; 29k DOS Army Knife
| Excellent color directory list, file COPY and
| immensely powerful file manager. Over 220 (!)
| options and sub-options, making it a flexible
| & formidable utility factory!NEW! 4DOS & OS/2
| supp, Scan Self-extract Archives, Virus
| Protected, Dir/Archive Browser, Menu Builder,
| More Color, NEW! the 37k MENUD front-end with
| 60 menus.
POM233B.ZIP 119249 10-08-93 PARSE-O-MATIC v2.33; Moves data between
| programs that normally don't understand each
| each other's data. Convert reports from one
| program into a format useful to the other
| one. Edit text files by script. Don't retype
| all your data: print your report to a file,
| then use P-O-M to CONVERT it to the input
| format you require!
PREXCM11.ZIP 26310 04-26-93 Protect! EXE/COM v.1.1 - Encrypts your EXE &
| COM files and leaves them executable! Will
| TAKE A CRC EVERY TIME a protected program is
| run, something NO OTHER PROGRAM DOES! Needs
| LZEXE or PKLite to compress EXE files before
| protecting them. Makes files even more secure
| than PKLite (R) commercial does! Not only the
| most powerful EXE/COM security program, but
| also the best value costing only $25. This
| copy is a bug fix from version 1.0.
PROBE103.ZIP 13096 01-23-93 Probe: Search Hard Drive For Specified File
PROCESS.ZIP 13472 06-16-92 PROCESS.EXE Ver 1.0 Processes a file based on
| its age (in days).
PS52B.ZIP 94923 07-01-92 PSEARCH v5.1 from Patri-Soft. This great text
| search/file gets better with SEARCH and
| REPLACE!. PSEARCH is one of the fastest text
| search programs available with much needed
| flexibility for YOUR searching! TRY IT! (Asp)
PS_V43A.ZIP 185521 02-01-93 Power Scanner 4.3a-PS is a Directory/File Mgt
| program. Current drive showned in tree form.
| User can dump, delete, rename, add & link to
| directories. It displays files of the current
| directory & users can delete, rename, execute
| move, find, dump & chg file attributes. Has a
| screen saver, mouse support,43/50 line mode &
| show various parts of the system & provides
| various levels of help. Has note pad, phone
| book & over 50 total options.DEVELOPED IN ADA
PTM228.ZIP 230189 03-08-93 DosPhantom: Record A Task & Play Back Later
PU114.ZIP 84776 07-29-92 Turn any DOS Program Into A Pop-Up TSR
PUTTIME.ZIP 7579 03-14-93 PutTime 1.0 <ASP> - PutTime is a command line
| program to put a date and time stamp in a
| text file along with an option text
| description. This can be used in batch files
| to record machine operation such as booting,
| program runs, etc... By Michael Carnell
PV12.ZIP 139832 03-05-93 Proview Integrated Disk/System Memory Editor
PWPLUS13.ZIP 16467 08-08-92 Password System, Won't Allow Floppy Boot
QDIR131.ZIP 130489 09-26-93 QuickDir v1.31; Amazing Dos/Archive Shell. A
| MUST HAVE for maintaining hard drive and LAN.
| Over 50 DOS Functions. 3 pgms in 1. 1) A DOS
| Manager that's Sensible and Smart! HD Tree is
| displayed instantly. 2) An Easy Archive Mgr.
| Just press 'X' or 'V' twice to extract or
| view. 3) Find Duplicate, Archive, Temp or Any
| file. Copy / Delete found files. New:
| XMS/Disk Swap, Display Print Option. For DOS,
| Windows, OS/2 FAT.
QDP.ZIP 5060 02-08-93 Quick Directory Printer, Any Printer
QFIL32B3.ZIP 121432 03-04-93 Qfile: Useful File (Disk/Directory) Manager
QINFO41.ZIP 49861 01-13-92 Qinfo 4.1 Displays free disk space with
| totals (Network also), memory (EMS/XMS),
| graphics type, #ports, memory map, and more
| in a very fast concise pop-up. 99GB limit! If
| you work with PC's, this is a *MUST*!
QSR.ZIP 9255 08-05-92 Command-Line Multiple Search & Replace
RAND20.ZIP 12262 07-07-93 RAND 2.0-Random errorlevel generator.
| Generates a random errorlevel, any number
| between 0-x, where x can be up to 255. Can
| also be used to generate unique file names.
RDIR133.ZIP 75289 11-20-92 Shows Graphical Hard Drive Statistics
READ112H.ZIP 63646 07-19-93 Read ASCII File Viewer; Display, search and
| browse binary & ASCII Files. Handy for
| viewing Hard Drive Directories, copying,
| moving and pasting. Combines with other
| software to Edit files and manage Archives
RECYCLE.ZIP 38893 08-13-92 Computer Bit Recycler, Humorous Refresher
REC_199K.ZIP 108970 02-16-93 Remote Echo Control (REC) v2.0;
REKEY20.ZIP 5144 02-12-93 Rekey 2.0 Command Line Pop-Up Menu: F1-F12
RENDIR10.ZIP 6023 03-16-93 Rename Directory 1.0 Most of the time, the
| only way to rename a directory is to purchase
| an expensive utility program. RENDIR will do
| it for just a $5.00 reg fee. Full version.
RFILE113.ZIP 61930 04-02-93 RFILE v1.13 <ASP> - Shows Relative FILE size
| of all files in the selected directory in a
| pie chart. Enter a directory name or
| extension such as *.TXT on the command line.
| Or edit the directory name as displayed on
| the graphics screen. An aid to finding where
| the disk space is being used up. Latest
| version adds PageUp & Down, Home & End while
| viewing list of files. Requires CGA, EGA or
| VGA.
RKT-TEST.ZIP 40199 07-28-93 This demonstration of Drive Rocket software
| allows you to see if your system would
| benefit by having Drive Rocket Software
| installed.
RMDIRX.ZIP 14415 07-07-93 SHH! Remove Dir X - quietly removes a dir-
| ectory without a DOS error. If it does not
| exist, no message will be shown. If it does
| exist, it will be removed. No cost.
RNGBOT13.ZIP 11400 08-15-91 RingBoot is a small TSR that reboots your
| computer after a given number of rings. It's
| main purpose is to reboot a BBS system who's
| modem stops answering but can be used for a
| variety of things.
RS204.ZIP 16835 10-01-91 RS is an uncomplicated utility that prints a
| full status report of a selected RS-232 "COM"
| port. It provides information about the
| communications protocol, handshake, line,
| error and interrupt status.
RSSINST1.ZIP 315191 06-15-93 A set of C'n'N (Cheap'n'Nasty) install
| routines for those who distribute data
| compressed files (.ZIP .ARJ .LZH etc) on
| diskette. Will handle up to 500 compressed
| files per diskette. Mouse support
RTBHLP.ZIP 145762 04-18-92 Disk Backup/Restore Program
RUNWEN15.ZIP 26054 08-19-92 Boot-Up Program Scheduler, Run Them Anytime!
S14.ZIP 14439 01-05-92 S-Menu, Small & Tight MS-DOS Shell
SAFPAK13.ZIP 52746 11-13-92 SAFEPACK v1.3 Disk Defragmenter Nov 92 ASP
| Designed so that the data on the disk should
| be immune to interruptions from any cause
| during defragmentation. Files and directories
| may be sorted into almost any order, and many
| other optimizations are possible. SAFEPACK
| leaves all the free space as a single area so
| a large Windows swap file may be created. May
| be run in unattended mode. OS/2 supported
| Shareware:- 9 UK pounds (credit cards taken).
SCHR_11.ZIP 41017 07-19-93 Searcher v1.1; Searches harddrive directories
| for hacked, trogan, commercial, archived
| files in any format (.ZIP, .ARJ ect..) using
| any of the OFFICAL Hack????.col or .IDX files
| in the monthly hack report found on many
| BBS's. Perfect for users and sysops to check
| if any file is in the report
SCOUT55.ZIP 138005 07-15-92 Scout Disk/File & Directory Manager v5.5
SCR11.ZIP 17527 03-07-93 Convert Any File Into A Debug Script
SCRLIT16.ZIP 40148 03-24-93 SCROLLit v1.6 Scrollback buffer utility. Lets
| you scroll back, in full color, through lines
| of text that have scrolled off the top of the
| screen. Features searching, block-writing,
| 43/50 line mode, and XMS/EMS support.
| Compression is used to squeeze more than
| twice the number of lines into the available
| buffer space. Desqview aware. A 9k TSR.
SCRP312B.ZIP 142581 06-13-93 SuperCrypt v3.12b Complete security with DES
| encryption and decryption. Only $59 Contact:
| SuperSoftWare @ 713-488-0210 Box 58177,
| Webster TX 77598-8177 USA 713-280-0099-FAX
| 713-280-8180-BBS
SCSICNTL.ZIP 64159 02-28-92 SCSICNTL is a program that runs under MS-DOS
| allowing you to reprogram your SCSI device to
| meet the needs of your environment. Repro-
| gramming your SCSI device allows you to
| achieve the highest possible throughput for
| the given operating environment you will be
| working in. Adaptec AHA-1540/1540A/1542A/
| 1540B/1542B/1640/1740 SCSI Adapter Board.
SCT-EM55.ZIP 140524 07-15-92 TSR Version Of Scout Directory/File Manager
SD-400.ZIP 158881 03-30-93 StupenDOS 4.0 - DOS Shell With Pkware Support
| How To Create 64 Different Color Programs.
| Detailed instructions on how to write simple
| programs (Batch Files) for color and One-
| Keystroke Speed (Macro) Keys. Teaches in
| EASY-TO-LEARN LANGUAGE over 100 formulas for
| the beginner in computer. Learn how to write
| powerful programs that will make the computer
| change colors or format or copy a disk.
| Shareware ($10) from Pat Ferro.
SECCOPY4.ZIP 138323 06-08-93 Second Copy v4.0: Automatically copies files
| for safekeep. It periodically monitors your
| disk directories data files & makes a second
| copy of those files to another disk/network
| drive. Updates these second copies when you
| make changes or additions to your files.
| Works with Windows 3.0, 3.1 and any LANs.
| Version 4.0 allows you to maintain mulitple
| profiles & turn them on and off. New 3D look.
| A "must have" if you hate doing backups.
SECUREV1.ZIP 148161 07-12-92 Security System For Pc's, Stop Hackers!
SEE265.ZIP 22429 01-16-93 See Memory v2.65
SETER146.ZIP 31041 10-06-93 SetEr v1.46 is a program which will allow the
| user to set an errorlevel from the command
| line or a batch file.
SHIFTKEY.ZIP 8454 07-20-92 Run A Program Or Batch File While Booting Up
SHOWF251.ZIP 29478 06-24-93 SHOWFAT v2.51; Graphically displays the
| physical layout of the files on your disk.
| First and foremost, it's a tool that lets you
| look at your disk and satisfy your curiosity
| about what's going on in there.
SIMPBACK.ZIP 248937 07-15-92 Enhanced Backup Utility, Simple To Use!
SINCE126.ZIP 25325 03-12-93 SINCE v1.26 <ASP> - provides a printable list
| of all files modified SINCE the date [and
| optional time] you enter on the command line.
| Or _only_ those files with the selected
| attributes A H S R. Type "SINCE" followed by
| the date, and it will list all the files
| worked on by you or others since that date.
| Type "SINCE a" to see how many files have
| been modified since the last backup. Reviewed
| in January 1993 Compute Magazine.
SL-FREE.ZIP 6397 06-15-92 FAST Free Space Utility, Better Than CHKDSK
SNOOP200.ZIP 100308 03-31-93 SNOOPER v2.0 <ASP>. System information
| utility shows CPU/NDP, CPU speed, bus, BIOS,
| memory, disks, DOS, network, video, CD-ROM,
| environment, keyd, sound cards, ports, more.
| Now shows IDE model, CMOS drive type, mice,
| Stacker, files & buffers, IRQs, DMA, modems,
| port IRQs and status, more. Built-in setup,
| Snooper is ideal for customer or technical
| support, H/W inventory gathering, and
SOSTB.ZIP 214610 05-19-93 Solid Oak Software's DOS Tool Box. 76 utils
| for batch file enhancement, command line
| operations, PC and network administration,
| process automation, and more. Literally 100's
| of uses and functions. Many of the included
| utilities have never been offered before in
| any package. A must have for any serious
| computer user! Fully functional!
SP.ZIP 24267 09-17-93 SetPriority v1.0; Utility to start a program
| at a defined priority. It is also able to
| start a VDM (DOS-session) at a defined
| priority.
SPCEINF6.ZIP 68137 06-11-92 Graphical Show Of Hard Drive Memory & Usage
SPDBAK20.ZIP 53751 05-27-92 SpeedBack, Fast Professional Backup Utility
SPLITV3.ZIP 15982 03-10-93 Split v3.0; Reads a file, then cuts it to any
| specific size. You can split any kind of
| files, data, executable anything as long as
| it is at least 2 bytes long. This program is
| mainly for backup purposes, where there is a
| big file on your hard-drive, and you want to
| move it to another place, using small floppy
| disks. Included a built in recompiler, which
| can put your split back together without
| other software.
SRDSK204.ZIP 70683 05-19-93 ReSizeable RAMDisk 2.04.; virtual disk device
| driver and controller capable of using over
| 32M of XMS and EMS memory. The disk can be
| disabled and it's size can be changed without
| rebooting. Lots of other useful features.
SRTDSC24.ZIP 170928 06-09-93 SORTDESC V2.4 Find file descriptions from
| listing(s) & move file to a different
| directory based on key words in that
| description, place description a separate
| listing. With options to add a "FILE_ID.DIZ"
| to archives that don't have them, remove
| graphic characters, match on names with
| different extensions, & more!
SSTAT103.ZIP 3829 02-17-92 Quick And Tiny System Status Utility
STACKEY.ZIP 355249 01-12-93 Batkey/Stackey, The Ultimate BATCH Enhancers
STPPRG20.ZIP 9718 03-05-93 StopPrg v2.0 - Exit To DOS From Any Program
STPROT.ZIP 21691 08-18-92 Hard Disk Password, Uses Stealth Technology
STRINGS.ZIP 27087 09-22-92 Find & Output The Printable Strings In A File
STRIPIT1.ZIP 12617 06-19-91 STRIP v1.0b; Strip is a Filter program that
| removes or retrieves all lines in a file that
| contain a specified string.
STRPPR20.ZIP 33365 06-30-93 Stripper v20: removes ASCII codes 1 to 31, &
| 127, carriage returns, formfeeds, etc., from
| any size file. 06/30/93. Patrick R. Rygiel.
STS_410.ZIP 107892 06-24-93 Stereo Shell v4.10; dual-windowed dos shell
| that provides FAST and POWERFUL file managing
| in a small package. The program supports
| internal and external file viewers, an
| editor, eight FILE COMPRESSION utilities, ten
| launchable applications, ten user de- fined
| utilities, and 4DOS compatible File comments
STUF20.ZIP 160486 06-04-92 Documentation for STEENBURGH's STUFF [ASP] A
| collection of 17 batch file utilities.
| Includes menu creation, input, system func-
| tions, much, much more.
SUTIL268.ZIP 30894 04-26-92 Copy/Delete/Move/Rename Files In 1 Operation
SW-44.ZIP 61034 12-21-92 Batch File Enhancer
SW510.ZIP 57513 09-18-92 Full Screen Handy DOS File/Disk Manager
SWAMPUTL.ZIP 81914 07-24-92 SWAMP TOOLS; SwampTools is a collection of
| useful DOS utilities that will help any sysop
SYSCHK23.ZIP 66659 01-02-92 Complete System Check-Out For Computers
SYSIN57.ZIP 11530 07-27-92 Shows Internal Configuration Of PC
SYSMON30.ZIP 51864 07-06-93 System Monitor: monitors and reports problems
| early, maintains performance, resolves hard/
| software problems and Windows conflicts.
| Strong virus defense, with support for single
| and LAN users.
TAD127.ZIP 40138 10-06-93 Time And Date (TAD) v1.27; allows changing
| the time and date on files. TAD supports
| wildcards. TAD also will keep logs on files
| that it has changed. For batch processing a
| quiet mode is included.
TARGET15.ZIP 73983 07-21-92 McAfee File Locator And Manipulator
TBT314.ZIP 47508 10-04-92 TurboBAT Batch File Compiler 3.14 09/12/92
| TurboBAT creates a .COM program file from a
| DOS batch file. Eliminates the need to
| distribute batch files with source code
| Registered users do not need to pay royalties
| on programs created with TurboBAT. Shareware
| registration forms and manual included. From
| Foley Hi-Tech Systems (ASP).
TCAT100.ZIP 212247 08-09-93 TCAT v1.00; Tape cataloging system. For use
| with Colorado compatible tape backup systems.
| Supports import from and export to Paradox
| database format. Other features include
| description mastering, FILE_ID.DIZ scanning,
| duplicate purging, great interface and more
TCD15.ZIP 166435 02-15-92 File & Directory Manager With Friendly GUI
TCMV01.ZIP 112161 02-17-93 Configuration Manager And Boot Control Program
THEREF43.ZIP 179744 05-02-93 THEREF(tm) Ver 4.3 is a comprehensive
| Directory of Hard Drives, Floppy Drives,
| Optical Drives, and Drive Controllers & Host
| Adapters. It is designed to help the novice
| and pro alike with integration problems and
| system setups. Information compiled by Robert
| Falbo.
TIMENAME.ZIP 8210 04-12-93 Rename A File To Reflect Its Time & Date Stam
TIMEZ.ZIP 87569 02-21-93 Timez: Program To Track World Time
TLB-A211.ZIP 157040 08-11-92 A set of ADVANCED UTILITIES to go with THE
| Requires the companion standard package,
| TLB-V211.ZIP.
TLB-V211.ZIP 198776 08-11-92 THE LAST BYTE MEMORY MANAGER (vers. 2.11)
| device drivers, TSRs, and more between 640k
| and 1 meg. Compatible w/DOS 5, Win 3.1, & all
| prot. mode software. Requires 8088 or above
| and a supported shadow ram controller, EMS,
| or R/W ram in the UMA. Registration fee:
| $29.95
TOP122.ZIP 349437 12-20-92 Command-Line Enhancement Tool
TPAUSE.ZIP 19844 11-07-92 Cancel Execution Of Programs At Boot-Up
TRIGGER.ZIP 29237 10-01-92 Hair Trigger! Pop-Up Keystroke Macro Program
TS41.ZIP 24005 11-02-92 Triple Shell, Quick And Handy DOS Shell
TSBAT.ZIP 84203 10-26-92 Assorted Batch File Tricks With Examples
TSGREP.ZIP 21300 06-01-93 Version 4.5: A Line Finder That Searches
| Groups Of Files & Lists Lines Containing A
| String. Once A List Is Created, Press A Key
| To Edit The File & Go Right To That Line.
| Press A Key To Go Back To The List Or To Go
| To The Next or prev Find. Runs From DOS
| Prompt Interactively With Onscreen Help For
| Each Prompt. Uses Simple Search Or Tse Reg.
TSRCOM34.ZIP 75414 02-14-92 TRS Utilities For Managing DOS Memory
TW22.ZIP 90769 07-27-92 Point-N-Shoot DOS File & Disk Manager
TXT2BAT1.ZIP 14173 09-20-92 Takes A Text File And Converts To BATCH File
UCDMGR40.ZIP 281472 01-01-93 Ultimate CD-ROM File Manager v4.0; Access all
| your CD-ROMs from one program: Execute View,
| Unzip, Copy or any valid DOS Command. Knows
| that #1PRG.ZIP _1PRG.LZH and 1PRG.ARJ may be
| the same program, and lists them together.
| Reports and utilities include remove floppy
| dupes, decide on buying new CDs, convert
| FILES.BBS formats, correct file dates &
| sizes, create FILES.BBS, find unique or
| duplicate files on a CD, and more...
UFM50.ZIP 57474 03-25-93 FM.EXE Ultra File Manager v5.0 - <ASP> This
| update adds file pack functions. Dual tree
| and directory windows with easy keyboard or
| mouse menu selection to execute about sixty
| useful file management functions. Execute any
| command on any group of files any where on
| your system. Has a built in clock, calendar,
| base conversion calculator, command macros,
| and execute functions.
ULTRA60.ZIP 148682 09-30-93 The Ultimate Batch Util v6.0; Over 250
| functions, including compression, graphics,
| sounds, video, detection, keyboard, files,
| archive listing, system manipulation, plus
| hundreds more. This thing blows away ALL
| OTHER BATCH file utils!
UMA11.ZIP 77312 03-02-92 Useful Macros, Record/Playback Keystrokes
UMBDR521.ZIP 31579 02-18-92 Superb UMB Device Driver, Even Load Himem High
UMBFIL13.ZIP 5008 04-05-93 UMBFILES Version 1.3 Now 25% smaller. Save up
| to 15K of conventional memory. Places File
| Table into Upper Memory Area. For DOS 5.0 or
| above and a 386 or above. Includes a .COM and
| .EXE versions and Docs.
UNHANG.ZIP 4033 01-01-92 Break Out Of Programs That Hang Your Computer
USEMGR10.ZIP 313952 04-02-93 USEMGR V1.0 <ASP> Trim megabytes of unneeded
| files from your hard disk. Keep track of the
| number of times, and when, each file is used.
| Select/print files to be backed up, deleted
| or archived based on this information. View,
| Edit, Copy, Move, ZIP, etc from user
| modifiable menu. This is a unique and
| powerful new tool.
V-210.ZIP 19049 05-01-92 View Files Any Size Using All Available RAM
VADCD180.ZIP 14854 03-15-93 Vadol CD v1.8 - program to make it easier to:
| 1) change directories 2) show files by
| extension. 3) quick access to any depth of
| your storage devices. 4) get desired
| executable file on the command line.
VIEWTXT.ZIP 39619 07-19-92 Text file Viewer, Up To 16,000 Lines
WAITDUDE.ZIP 7067 02-23-91 Time delay program. Worth getting. Will start
| your bbs at any time you set. Works from
| command line params or manual setting.
WDN119.ZIP 22746 03-12-93 WDN v1.19 <ASP> - You may have dozens of
| empty directories on your hard drive, taking
| up valuable disk space. Typically an empty
| directory uses 2048 or 4096 bytes on a hard
| drive. WDN will seek out and remove hidden
| and unused subdirectories with one command.
| If DOS allowed RD *.*/s, you would not need
| WDN, but RD requires that you type in every
| name. WDN saves you time.
WF221.ZIP 44014 08-01-92 File / Directory Manager, Online Help
WHEN33.ZIP 12809 04-04-93 Delayed Wakeup Utility To Run A Command
WHTDAY11.ZIP 2996 10-09-93 WhatDay v1.1; Batch File Utility returns day
| of week via ERRORLEVEL. Written in Assemby
| Language, WhatDay is very small, very fast,
| and very functional. Includes example batch
| files in the documentation.
WILLY104.ZIP 48833 05-04-93 Willy will turn a file into a text file which
| you can then send as a document. After
| reciept the user can restore it to its
| original state.
WIZFIND.ZIP 39708 01-09-93 Super Fast File Finder
WORST.ZIP 12032 07-29-92 WORST: Searches all the files and subdir-
| ectories on your disk to find the oldest,
| newest, largest, and smallest files. Handy
| for removing ancient and zero-byte files,
| finding what's just been modified, or those
| files that are taking up lots of disk space.
| Freeware (includes C source)
WOUT09.ZIP 32253 05-23-93 WaitItOut v0.09; Utility designed to
| accomplish several small, but needed tasks.
| Waits a specified # of minutes or until the
| specified file exists.
WT210_1.ZIP 191375 04-15-93 WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus [1/4]
| WT210-1.zip - Waztree Main program
| WT210-2.zip - Modem comm program WT210-3.zip
| - Voice dial program WT210-4.zip - Waztree
| misc files
WT210_2.ZIP 104792 04-15-93 WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus [2/4]
| WT210-1.zip PART 1 Waztree Main program
| WT210-2.zip PART 2 Modem comm program
| WT210-3.zip PART 3 Voice dial program
| WT210-4.zip PART 4 Waztree misc files
WT210_3.ZIP 61854 04-15-93 WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus [3/4]
| WT210-1.zip PART 1 Waztree Main program
| WT210-2.zip PART 2 Modem comm program
| WT210-3.zip PART 3 Voice dial program
| WT210-4.zip PART 4 Waztree misc files
WT210_4.ZIP 38143 04-15-93 WazTree V2.10 Directory Utility Plus [4/4]
| WT210-1.zip PART 1 Waztree Main program
| WT210-2.zip PART 2 Modem comm program
| WT210-3.zip PART 3 Voice dial program
| WT210-4.zip PART 4 Waztree misc files
WTB15.ZIP 83115 03-02-93 What Tape Back-up? 1.5 (Freeware) Tape
| library manager & back-up maker. Tracks when
| back-ups are made, suggests next tape set to
| use, and operates your tape software so you
| don't have to remember commands. Has
| Mountiain and Jumbo configs; others are user-
| programmable.
XD.ZIP 4872 01-03-93 Excellent Replacement For DOS Make Directory!
XDIR303D.ZIP 51981 12-28-92 Replacement For DIR/MEM/SPEEDRAM/SI Utils
XDISK331.ZIP 62865 02-29-92 Resizable EMS-RAM disk, LIM 3+, DOS-5 aware.
| Options include: Resizing on-the-fly without
| or with (limited) preservation of disk data,
| disk collapse, UMB selfloading, DOS command-
| line load/unload (DOS 2-4), password access,
| and 086/286/386/486 code optimized releases.
| For release information, decompress the .ZIP
| archive, type READ and press Enter.
XFIND10.ZIP 10242 08-19-92 Enhanced FIND Command For DOS, Even Filters
XHLST122.ZIP 9103 09-21-92 Display XMS Handle Information
XL2271.ZIP 217923 11-10-92 Excellent Disk/File Manager For Beginners
XPNDTB11.ZIP 20174 01-18-93 One Of Tesslers Nifty Tools (TNT)
XPRO11A.ZIP 276491 05-11-92 Utility Collection Makes You A POWER USER
XRAYV15.ZIP 14187 02-18-92 XRAY is a TSR that reports DOS interrupt 21
| function calls. For power users, programmers.
| Watch DOS execute programs, open close read
| write files etc. Diagnose obscure file IO
| problems. Excellent documentation.
YZUTIL11.ZIP 985 03-29-93 Increase Speed By 10% & Stop PC Speaker Bells
Z20.ZIP 122907 12-07-92 = ZipShot 2.0 for DOS!= (c) 1992 YHO
| Unlimited - Never type another Dir name! -
| This awesome little utility will think up dir
| names for your ZIP, ARJ, or LHA/LZH files,
| and unarchive them there with the click of a
| mouse! rel: 6:14PM 11-21-92
ZDIR20.ZIP 60196 03-04-92 ZanySoft's Easy But Powerful Directory Lister
ZERO4ROM.ZIP 16623 01-02-92 ZeroRom; The zero byte file-maker for CD-Roms
ZIPALL12.ZIP 98559 09-15-93 ZIPALL v1.2; Freespace: the final frontier. A
| collection of .BAT files to continue on where
| PKWARE left off. They exploit PKZIP and
| PKUNZIP in a BIG way!
ZIP_18A.ZIP 20163 12-19-91 ZIPPY v1.8a; Read the most recent change date
| INSIDE a ZIPFILE and clearly mark that date
| in the file desciption text. This saves your
| users from LOTS of unwanted downloads of old
| releases and helps you, the sysop, keep tabs
| on old files. ZIPPY will NEVER update the DOS
| Date Stamp or File description Date stamp.
ZIP_GO12.ZIP 48003 10-01-93 ZIP&GO v1.2; Auto-Zip/Run/Backup Directories!
| Increase hard drive space by running programs
| from zipped directories. Zip, run, or backup
| to/from drives A, B, or C. Multiple options
| from the same command line. Size directories
| for backup to disk if too large when zipped.
| Operates transparently and uses 7K of memory.
| -Requires a hard drive, DOS, and PKZIP v2.0G.